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Case Study

Challenges & Solutions:


When The SIMPLE Vue Academy, a proposed charter school set to open in 2025, approached us for marketing support, we were thrilled to help bring their vision to life. Our first step was to assess their current marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement.

We worked closely with Nandi, the founder, to understand her goals and target audience. Together, we developed a comprehensive marketing strategy to build awareness, engage the community, and garner support for the school's opening.


Some key challenges we addressed:

Branding: We created a cohesive brand identity for The SIMPLE Vue Academy, including a logo, color palette, and brand guidelines. This ensured consistent visuals and messaging across all platforms, creating a professional and recognizable brand.


Community Engagement: To build support for the proposed school, we focused on community outreach. We developed a petition campaign that successfully garnered over 500 signatures, demonstrating strong local interest in The SIMPLE Vue Academy.


Email Marketing: We grew the school's email list from scratch to over 350 engaged subscribers. This allowed us to keep the community informed about the school's progress, events, and opportunities to get involved.


Social Media: We created a social media strategy to expand The SIMPLE Vue Academy's reach and engage with their target audience. Through consistent, high-quality content and targeted outreach, we increased their followers by 412% and engagement by 150%.


Event Planning & Design: Nandi relied on us for all her event planning and design needs. We created invitations, signage, and decorations for informational meetings, fundraisers, and other community events, ensuring a polished and professional experience.



Our partnership with The SIMPLE Vue Academy has been incredibly successful. Some key achievements include:

- 500+ petition signatures demonstrating community support
- Approval from the Georgia State Board of Education
- Cohesive branding across all touchpoints
- 350+ engaged email subscribers
- 412% increase in social media followers
- 150% increase in social media engagement
- Professional event planning and design support


We're proud to have played a role in bringing The SIMPLE Vue Academy closer to its goal of opening in 2025. If you have a vision for your organization and need help with marketing, branding, or event planning, we'd love to chat. Contact us today to learn how we can support your success.

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